Monday, March 7, 2011

Square Root

Welcome to my fourth blog.
I started this blog because some people recommended it and I also want to help people become better at maths and science.

Today I will be giving some brief information on square roots mainly because many people think that the square root of 4 is ±2 but it actually isn't. The square root of 4 is actually just 2. If the square root of a number was both a positive and negative number, then the quadratic formula wouldn't be:

The ± would not be necessary if the square root of a number was both positive and negative.

There is also another part to square rooting and this is very important.
y^2 = x and y=square root(x) are different.

If you were asked for the solutions of y^2 = 4 then you would have ±2 because y=2 and y=-2 square will give 4. But if you were asked for the answer of y=square root(4) then the answer is y=2.
This also shows that the square root of a number must be positive.
Another way to show this is to look at the graphs.

My posts ends here. Hope you have learnt something.

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